You Know You're From Indiana When...
Detassling was your first job. Bailing hay was your second
You could stack hay, swim in the pond to clean off, and then have the strength to play a couple of games of hoops all in the same barn lot on the same day
You've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day Or "stoke the fire" and "fling open the windows"for the older version
You say things like "catty-wumpus" and "kitty corner"
You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked
You carry jumper cables in your car regularly
You drink "pop"
You know what "cow tipping" is
You know that Bailin' wire was the predecessor to Duct tape
You know that strangers are the only ones that come to your front door
Kids and dogs ride in the passenger seats of cars and the backs of pick ups.
You think nothing of it in spring and all to be stuck behind a farm implement driving on the roads
High school basketball game draws a bigger crowds than movie theaters
Driving is better in the winter because the pot-holes are filled with snow
The local paper covers national and international headlines on 1 page but requires 6 for sports
Most can repeat the scores of the last 8 IU games, but unless the VP is a Hoosier, we aren't sure who he is
If you can see at least 2 basketball hoops from your yard
You can name every one of Bob Knight's "exploits" over the last 20 years
The biggest question of your youth was "IU or Purdue?"
Indianapolis is the "big city"
The Wabash River is the "biggest body of water" near your house
You know of several different definitions as to what a Hoosier really is
People at your high school chewed tobacco
Everyone knows who the town cop is, where he lives, and whether he is at home or on duty
To get to school you had to drive on a gravel road, a road with several right-angle turns in it
People in your neighborhood, really, REALLY like NASCAR
You actually know what the CART vs. IRL debate is about, and you have taken a side
To you a raccoon is simply a "coon"
The vehicle of choice in your area is not a car, but a pickup
You've been to the Covered Bridge Festival
To you, a tenderloin is not an expensive cut of beef but a big salty, breaded piece of pork served on a bun with pickles
You call a green pepper a "mango"
Sometimes you call the toilet the "commode" or the "stool"
Everyone in your town knows the high school quarterback and basketball starters..personally
In the fall, one of your favorite pranks was "corning" cars
You know what "corning" is
Half of the kids at your high school were related to each other...and knew about it
The rest of the kids at your school eventually discovered they were--after running into each other at family reunions
Wal-Mart is the most exciting place in your hometown
Technically, you don't even live in a town
The County fair is THE social event in your area
You go to the fair every night of it's week-long duration
Everyone at your high school has dated each other. Literally
You know what FFA stands for
A typical party at your high school consisted of a bunch of people driving trucks into the woods or an empty field, lighting a bonfire, and staring at it while drinking a few beers
"Y'all is an acceptable form of address for groups of three or more people
Your friends' parents had all the same teachers in high school that you had
You are so used to the smell of pig poop that it doesn't really disgust you anymore
You had friends who wore their mud/poop/dirt covered "barn shoes" to school
You know what chip-and-seal is, and your high school was located on just such a road
You think that Notre Dame is a college in South Bend, and not a cathedral in France
You know at least five people who own belt buckles with their initials on them
Cows have been known to graze on your high schools baseball diamond.
The first time you made love was in the back seat.
Your grandfather drove you to the grade school prom when you we're 15...
- Bobby Knight is Like Bill Clinton neither should be fired. Their book will be on your book shelf after it's written!!!!
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