Huevos Rancheros

Eucalyp by


For 2 servings: 1/8 c sliced onions 1/8 c diced onions 4 long chiles (anaheims) 8 ounces diced tomatoes ground cumin 1 tsp cooking oil eggs


Roast peppers over open flame or on a flat skillet until the skins are scorched. Put them in cold water for about 5 minutes. Gently massage the skins off under running cold water. Seed shred into strips cut into 2in. lengths. Set aside. Heat oil and sautee onions in skillet for 2 minutes then add peppers. Sprinkle with a dash of ground cumin. Roast for approx. 5 minutes. Add tomatoes cover and simmer for 15 minutes on low heat until mixture has thickened. Cook eggs to the style you prefer. Serve eggs with tomato (ranchero) mixture on top.

Servings: 2