It's that Hit Me Up for Money time of year

Date: December 9, 2006

You know, it seems to happen all year long - I hate it.  I'm coming out of Target and someone is there with their little table and can set up "we're collecting for the Save the Wombats society" or some such thing.  I don't mean to sound uncharitable but does it ever end? 

Have you noticed that the Girl Scouts are selling stuff all year round' now?  It's not just the cookies anymore in the spring - now they're pushing peanut brittle and some other stuff.  Last week I was rushed by a line of these young ladies and I had two words which immediately diffused the attack "Jenny Craig."  One of the moms smiled in understanding and said "Keep up the good work."

But what about the ringy dingy guys?  I wonder how many of them damage their hearing with that constant dingaling dingaling dingaling.  They never say a word, just stand there stoicly ringing...gimme money....remember that son from Spinal Tap?  GImmee some moneeeeeeeyyyyy....

Coming out of Trader Joe's the other day, I was confronted by a woman who was wearing some sort of nurse uniform; something between a nurse and an army cadet.  I don't know what she said but I said I didn't have any change.  UGH. 

The strategy in a store with multiple doors is to try to exit the door without someone holding a can....but this time of year?  All exits seem to be covered...


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