March Madness SUCKS

Date: March 21, 2016

Don't hate me for not being a basketball fan, but this March Madness stuff just sucks!  When did all of this start?????  I remember it ruining TV for a few weeks last year too.

If you aren't a big basketball fan, you should't be inconvenienced by it.  I have a bowling obsession.  I love to watch it on TV and I love to participate in the sport itself.  I would bowl for hours if possible.  But I am not going to force it on everyone's network for weeks at a time!  It's crazy!  It's sort of like the ridiculous amount of beach style volleyball they had in the last summer olympics. 

January used to be my least favorite month of the year, but now I'm starting to feel a level of detest for March because of the non stop basketball that is pre-empting my favorite shows.

And don't say "You watch too much TV."  So be it if I do - I like to watch TV and luckily I do have a very large DVD collection.  Guess I'll review it and watch some of my faves.

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