If you're sick, STAY HOME!

Date: October 28, 2007

Being back in an office as a bona-fide cubicle dwelling, card punching worker has its advantages; the main one being a steady paycheck, companionship, the opportunity to learn cool new technologies, and free bagels every other Monday, but it also has its disadvantages as we go into cold and flu season.  Update:  I didn't dodge the bullet.  The following Saturday, it hit.  Lovely.  Thanks to that Petri Dish of a co-worker who insisted on coming to spread the germs with the department....

Being back in an office as a bona-fide cubicle dwelling, card punching worker has its advantages; the main one being a steady paycheck, companionship, the opportunity to learn cool new technologies, and free bagels every other Monday, but it also has its disadvantages as we go into cold and flu season.

As a contractor, I do not have paid time off.  If I get sick, guess what?  I have to go home and lose a day of pay.  Well, maybe not if I am up to working virtually as they have made this available which is great.  I had come down with an infection that was contagious and did just that for a week. 

Imagine my dismay when I was peacefully working in my cubicle Monday morning and then heard The Infectuous One arrive.  This person sits in the cubicle just behind mine, so they are right over the wall--hacking, sneezing, snorting, sniffling, etc.  GREAT.  This person is salaried.  Nice of them to come in here and 'spread the joy.'

I have armed myself with Lysol Disinfecting spray, disinfecting wipes and am taking Airborne every 3 hours faithfully.  What ever happened to common courtesy?  I guess it went out the window somehow...like I hope the germs do...

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