January 1, 2025: Facebook Frustration
I frequent Facebook. I admit it. Maybe it's considered old school now to all of the young people (under 50) but I am always on Facebook. I love reading the posts - but for the last 3 or 4 months, there is this practice of putting up a partial post/thought and it says "continued in the comments." WHAT KIND OF S--T IS THAT?February 22, 2024: Disabling the Caps Lock Key: An update
In early January, I wrote about my annoyance of the existence of the Caps Lock key on our modern keyboards. When are they used? How often do you find yourself yelling after accidently hitting it? I said I would do a follow up, and here it is. Two words: Power toys.
January 7, 2024: It's 2024...WHY is There a Caps Lock Key?
You're typing along, with some great thoughts going - or maybe you're writing a wonderful subroutine in a program. You're in your groove - you're flying. Then you look at the screen. Oh $#! - the capslock key has been on for quite some time. Great. Now you have to go back and fix this problem. How often is the capslock key even used? Why is it there?
May 18, 2023: Typography Terror: Handwriting Fonts
I recently received a card for someone who does a service which I need. It had the email address in a cursive (handwriting) font. This was difficult to read.... The rest of the card ALSO had a handwriting font - a DIFFERENT one, not even in the same 'font family.' Palm to forehead moment.
April 4, 2023: Where is Spring?
Technically, Spring arrived about 2 weeks ago. This is the coldest Spring I can remember! Torrential rains and winds have taken their toll on the Bay Area. We are no longer in a drought! Maybe paddleboarding will occur on our upcoming camping trips!
January 2, 2023: Here it is - January again
Many make new years resolutions each year; I sort of quit that. I've learned that it is almost always a setup for failure. Life happens! I can set goals instead - not so absolute as resolutions. Plans to improve this, to streamlight that, to set a better path for what's coming up by removing obstacles on that trail. I can make a list, and I guess I will make a list, and see what I can do to at least make things better.
January 23, 2022: Clutter is Killing Me
I've always been clutter-bound...let's face it, I like my stuff. But it's FRUSTRATING. I'll do a big cleanout and have an elevated sense of accomplishment for a few days, and it seems to only last that long - a few days! Then I realize that it's become unmanageable again. Sheesh! I thought stopping drinking was going to be hard - this is way more difficult! I have made some positive changes - in the way I fold my clothes. Using Marie Kondo's method, I can open a drawer and see all of my shirts. I do my husband's drawer the same way, but he destroys it soon after. Grrr....and he is a hoarder. I have those tendencies too and fight them. I have tried to go by Marie Kondo's book's principles about keeping things only that bring you joy. I guess my house is full of too many joyful things...
December 29, 2021: Carving out the Craft Room
I have had my craft room as my nemesis for some time now. No matter what, it always becomes the dumping ground. "Company is coming over! Ditch it all into the craft room!" AKA the Crap Room. This has to stop. I'm spending a lot more time creating stuff now and I want to have a place where I can create - and that place is NOT the kitchen table. I get tired of dragging everything out of 'the crap room' to the kitchen table; often leaving it there for a few days until I finish whatever I'm working on/it dries whatever. No longer an option.
December 16, 2021: So now this is my Blog
This site is undergoing such metamorphosis right now...I thought about writing an article about it and where would it post? In its structure that I had it until about 2 minutes ago, it would have been a news item. But is it news? I think my Opinion pieces are not; they are more blog-like in style. So, the Opinion piece, formerly my Rants - is now my Blog. Why not? I have lots of random thoughts every day and sometimes I want to write about them. It's fun to look back at what was on my mind even if no one ever reads this but me. It's an online journal.
November 13, 2021: Gramatically Speaking
I'm a bit of a grammar-phobe...is that a word (phobe?) Probably not...well...I just made it up. I know this website is not a great example of grammar either; I do my best, but I have to admit that hearing/reading poor grammar really makes my skin crawl sometimes. Another thing I have to admit is my reading habit. I love to read Danielle Steele novels. It's been 30 something years, and I still love a great DS read...problem is...her grammar leaves a bit to be desired.
January 29, 2021: Mask Shaming
I know it's a thing. Mask shaming. But in reality - I consider wearing a mask right now in these times fighting for humanity!
September 20, 2018: Driving is COMBAT
I commute to San Jose and have for the past year and will for the foreseeable future. It's become ridiculous on the road. Drives are crazier than ever!
March 11, 2017: So much to obviously go off about
..but I don't want to engage in online flame wars with what is going on around here. From the presidency to our healthcare system (or lack thereof), there is so much to rave about.
October 19, 2016: The Christmas Push
Here we are again - the end of the year feels like that last quarter tank of gas - it just all of sudden is gone in a flash! Working retail, I saw the Christmas decorations begin to trickle in around the first week of September - and once the back to school stuff was gone BLAMMO!
March 21, 2016: March Madness SUCKS
Don't hate me for not being a basketball fan, but this March Madness stuff just sucks! When did all of this start????? I remember it ruining TV for a few weeks last year too.
May 8, 2015: 250(k) Website? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
I am watching Shark Tank - beyond the Tank. There is a company that is paying 250k for a new website. AMERICAN MONEY? I am sorry that is what used to be called "Highway Robbery." I cannot belive this....
December 16, 2014: A Rain Day? Really?
It is a well known fact that California has been experiencing a serious drought - possibly the worst in history - for the last few years. But this year, the storm door seems to have opened, and last week, a huge storm was expected on Thursday. The media was all over it and it resulted in - are you ready - for SCHOOLS TO CLOSE. Yes....a RAIN DAY!
November 13, 2014: Let's Celebrate Thanksgiving first!
November 1, 2014: Hallloween Cosume Competitions
Okay I have to admit....I am beyod pissed off at this writing...our annuual HOG event had kids involved for the first time ever (I think) and they were grouped in the costume contest and they took it all. That was WRONG. Another caatageory for kids needs to be added.
October 22, 2014: Don't Hate Me Because I'm not a Baseball Fan
When the Giants come to town...it's Bye bye baby!! I grew up hearing that song in a very sports-oriented household. But I just can't get into the fever that is striking the Bay Area right now. I'm very pleased to see our team in the Series, don't get me wrong...
August 11, 2014: The Recruiting "Treadmill"
I have been on the hunt for steady employment for a few months now. I get sometimes 20 calls per day and as many emails with job descriptions. This is good, right? Not so much...quantity vs. quality is what I am experiencing...BAD quality (mostly).
January 23, 2014: The Gospel According to Dr. Oz
I'm sorry...Dr. Oz is all over the place and I can't see it. He seems to be the biggest SNAKE OIL PEDDLAR around! He swears by miracle things that will make things happen that havent happend in years...
June 3, 2013: How To Drive Near a Bicycle
As part of my getting back into good health and routines, I have dusted off the bike (the kind I have to pedal) and have taken to the streets on minor trips around town - riding to Curves to work out, riding to my Weight Watchers Meetings, and Karate class. But the way some of these drivers behave around me as a cyclist is unreal...
March 25, 2013: Another Traffic Jam at Curves!
My last rant was about traffic jams at Curves, also. But this time, a new twist. This one was actually a Curves Employee On Duty causing it! One who usually isn't there when I work out. I am so peeved...
January 18, 2013: Traffic Jams at Curves
I go to Curves at least 3 times a week and do my circuit training workout. What has been irritating me is traffic jams in the circuit...it really bugs me...
December 8, 2012: Life in Suburbia...can suck sometimes
I guess you can call Fremont Suburbia...I live in a nice neighborhood - we all get along, but my next door neighbor on one side has 'dog parties' where she invites several friends with dogs and they all come over and bark. Anyone who knows me knows what a noise phobe I am...and barking dogs is one of my least favorite sounds.
September 27, 2012: Facebook not FEETBOOK
Okay, I hope I don't offend some of my friends on Facebook who have done this...but I've been thinking about this for quite a while and here it is.
March 18, 2012: January Rant Update (Better late than NEVER)
So I should have written this when it happened, but I found yet another reason why January Sucks. Twice in my adult life, I have been laid off as part of a company RIFF. Once was in 1994 and the other time? You guessed it, 2012. Yep!
January 9, 2012: January Gloom Part 2
The first part was written in 2006 - I talked about how bad the month of January is and how it holds no promise for the bulk of us who don't get special holidays like MLK day off (back then I was freelancing so it was different). This year I feel the same about January, despite our sunny (drought?) weather, but January still sucks, but I think I've figured out why.
November 17, 2011: Being Tailgated...grrrr
I commute EARLY in the morning. This time of year, it's dark. The stars are out. You get the picture. So, I was on my way in this morning, almost here, and a car was behind me, jammping right up on my rear bumper. I was not driving at a snail's pace either. What made it worse is he had not only his lights illuminating the interior of my car, but 2 halogen fog lights on also.
August 28, 2011: Stroller Angst: Not a thing for crowded events
Strollers...a Godsend to parents all over to let them take a load off and let their little sleepy Johnny or little Mary ride along while seeing the sights of a local event...great for the parents. Horrid for the rest of us. I remember an ice rink across the bay from me - they actually SUPPLIED STROLLERS FOR USE ON THE ICE. I kid you not...today's event was an annual flea market where an entire district of my hometown becomes a block sale.
July 23, 2011: Yappy Dog Chases Me Away at a Promising Yard Sale
So I was out at yard sales today, being a Saturday, and that's how I start my Saturdays - I don't do research, I just follow the signs. So I came upon what looked like a very promising one...until I got out of my car...
February 21, 2011: Walmart Line Cutters
It's a given that going to Walmart can be an experience - almost like a visit to a different world. As the popular site, PeopleOfWalmart.com, it can be a visual experience. Or a downright frustrating one as I had tonight.
February 7, 2011: Youth today vs. yesterday
When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were. When they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning.... Uphill... Barefoot... BOTH ways...yadda, yadda, yadda
And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on my kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!
January 22, 2010: Communication Breakdown
Let's face it - we are more dialed in than ever. We carry around our Smart Phones, we have wireless internet on our Netbooks etc. We are almost NEVER unreachable. But wait a minute. Is that true? How many times do you call someone on their cell and they don't answer? Seems to me that before everyone and their cat had a cell phone, people actually answered their phones on a much higher percentage than they do in our current 'ultra-connected' society.
June 13, 2009: Going on a Witch Hunt for something 'normal'
I seem to go through this a lot...I'll be preparing a recipe that calls for a pretty ordinary ingredient - in this case, it was red food coloring. I had watched Bobby Flay's Throwdown show and he did a Red Velvet Cake. Intrigued, I decided I wanted to try my hand at this.
April 22, 2009: Car Pool Lane Cheaters
What is it with some people thinking they are above the law? My commute to work takes me up the Nasty Nimitz into Oakland. Many times I am on my Harley and therefore allowed to use the Diamond Lane. I'll be going pretty quick - 75 or 80 - and then it happens. Someone is bearing down on me because they want to do 100 or so...and I move over.
October 24, 2008: The Joy of Calling the Unemployment Office (NOT)
Unemployment sucks. What else sucks is when you are down to the last $50 in your bank account and your check hasn't come yet...and what sucks even more is calling the 'automated system' to see when your check was cut...
December 2, 2007: Walmart's Photo Center Hours vs store hours
Walmart has holiday hours where they open at 7am. Great! But guess what? It's not so great. Some of the departments have no service. WHAT? It's like the grocery store opening at 6 but you can't buy meat or produce until 10.November 10, 2007: The "Hit Me Up" season is upon us...
It's coming. The holidays. We only have numbered days until the dingalingers show up outside of the grocery stores in their santa suits and otherwise. But you know, these days it seems to be all year around. I find myself checking entrances and parking based on where I won't be accosted...October 28, 2007: If you're sick, STAY HOME!
July 18, 2007: Neutering a Cat - Add ons?
Yes, that does sound strange, but I went to inquire about getting my kitten neutered, and it was like ordering tires..you know the routine, each tire costs $x.00 and stems and valves are extra...yeah give me the tires without the stems and valves...well that's how it was when I inquired about neutering "Bomber."June 11, 2007: That's how it ends?
June 8, 2007: Arrogant B*tch
I cannot believe what is going down with this arrogant piece of work. I used to watch her show "The Simple Life" - it was like a car wreck; you couldn't turn away from it. Let out of jail because she's a crybaby?March 29, 2007: Cats Must Have Meetings
I really really think they do. A weekly staff meeting at an undisclosed location...December 17, 2006: Huge Inflatable Snow Globes
So this seems to be the big craze this year; huge, obnoxious, inflatable snowglobes. Last year we were inundated with giant inflatable santas and other Christmas figures, but they just had to one up 2005 and come up with these things.December 9, 2006: It's that Hit Me Up for Money time of year
You know, it seems to happen all year long - I hate it. I'm coming out of Target and someone is there with their little table and can set up "we're collecting for the Save the Wombats society" or some such thing. I don't mean to sound uncharitable but does it ever end?October 19, 2006: Is "Ovenable" a Word?
You hear the English Language being misused a lot these days. Here's another fine example and I just have to wonder if it is a word.May 1, 2006: Coins on the floor!!!!
I was in a Spring cleaning frenzy of sorts today and was picking things up and was AMAZED at how many coins I found on the floor. I also found them on the tops of my dresser, headboard storage unit, shoe rack, etc.March 5, 2006: Cell Phone Headsets: Way off the Deep End
Sometimes I fantasize...about days gone by...when you could drive down the street and you would see kids outside playing (instead of parked in front of their video games). They'd be playing atheletic games like football, baseball, etc. When was the last time you saw a group of little girls roller skating? And finally, when was the last time you went for a drive and DIDN'T SEE SOMEONE TALKING ON A CELL PHONE?
February 7, 2006: Cover Your Mouth When You Cough!
I was disgusted, to say the least, and being the outspoken person that I am when it comes to this sort of thing, I said "Cover your mouth when you cough!" but he just breezed right by, oblivious. Okay, he probably wasn't born in the USA and there are cultural issues, but come on now.
January 17, 2006: (Meaningless) Web Awards
You've seen them. I have to admit, I had one on this site last year, begging a click through to 'win' this supposed major award known as the diamond web award. I put one up on my ever popular Miserable Melodies site since it gets so much traffic. I got all of my clicks and crossed the 100 click through mark. What did it get me? A graphic that said I had won an award, and an e-mail solicitation to purchase a plaque. So I can now boast that I have an award winning website. Caught up in a desire to proclaim "we have won awards!", I tried it on this site for the heck of it.
January 4, 2006: The Dreaded Refrigerator Cleaning
I've been on a cleaning kick lately. I guess it takes my mind off scary world events, gives my neck and shoulders a break from the computer, and it's nice not to apologize for the house if someone stops by. I have gotten really into it-I have a binder and it has a tab for each day of the week and a room to clean and what to do in that room--plus a daily list. Last week I was too busy on the Kitchen Day to deal with the Dreaded Refrigerator Task.
December 23, 2005: Rules for the Self-Check Option at the Grocery Store
I was happy when the self check-out lanes first came to my grocery store. It made it very simple if you were in the middle of cooking dinner and suddenly realized you had forgotten the basil. Just dash to the store, go to the self checkout, and you're back in business again. But, certain rules need to be adhered to in making the decision to use the self checkout lines.
October 24, 2005: 120 Decibel Car Audio Systems
It's a bird...it's a plane, oh NO what IS IT! It's THE BIG ONE!!!! I get into the nearest doorframe, which they (who is this 'they?') say is the safest place to be during an earthquake is in the door frame of your home. I don't know if this is true, but I'm there...
October 16, 2005: Grocery Store Floor Zambonis
I have learned that the best time to go to the grocery store (if you don't want to get stuck in ridiculously long lines, run into by shopping carts with unlicensed drivers, etc.), the best time is, if you're a night person, late at night, and if you're like me, a phsychotically early morning person, early in the morning.
September 20, 2005: The Trip From Hell
I went on a business trip to North Carolina for the US Aquatics Sports Association's Convention. Cool. Got a much better feel for US Masters Swimming who I am a contractor for, met people so I could put faces with names, etc. Sounds simple enough? Wrong...
June 13, 2005: The Waiting Game - Circa 1997
I came across this rant, written on a note pad (yes, I wrote it by hand), when I was trying to get steady - not temporary - work in Corporate America. This was before I even took my first formal website job--I was doing legal word processing work. Yuck!
June 6, 2005: What's in a Name?
I used to get really mad when someone wouldn't get my name right. I blow it off now...but really...is my name that tough to spell or say?
May 31, 2005: Garage Sale Etiquette
I was out garage saling about a week ago found a garage sale had wonderful signage but wait until you hear what they did!
April 12, 2005: How to Avoid Having Customers: Have a Barking, Aggressive Dog in the Shop
Some shops and places of business have their shop/store pets; a cat or a dog. Most of the time if it is a dog, it's of the temperment that is very mellow and it might come up to you to greet you, but never aggressive. Today I was out and had to go into a place and there was this smallish dog barking at me and baring its teeth. Made me really want to go in...NOT...
March 13, 2005: So Much Work, I'm Wearing Letters Off the Keys!
This is definitely a good problem to have. The dream of being self employed was a dream for so long, and then it was the dream to be busy enough to make ends meet. Well, they're meeting. I dont' know if this should be a rant; It's a happy rant!
March 1, 2005: E-Bay Sellers and Shipping Tape
I've been doing some bidding and winning on E-Bay Lately and have noticed that E-Bay Sellers really love their shipping tape!
October 3, 2004: Barney Goes to Breakfast???!!!???
The Scenario: Sunday morning, a family restaurant in my community. A nice mixture of hungry people eating traditional breakfast favorites, with their families in tow. I was with my husband and our friends, all ordering 'heart attack on a plate' variety of breakfasts.
0, 0: A Web Developer's Pet Peeve
In the web bizz since 1995, this is my number one pet peeve. I just have to wonder what folks are thinking sometimes when I hear this.