Oreo and Canteloupe
March 15, 2009
Oreo is strange; this is an established fact...he is showng here eating cantelopue. Believe it or not, Oreo is not my first cat who loves this melon...
Yes, he's eating canteloupe...
Oreo is strange; this is an established fact...he is showng here eating cantelopue. Believe it or not, Oreo is not my first cat who loves this melon...
Thor loved it too; in his dying days that was the only thing he would eat. Before Thor, Squeak was my melon-choly cat. I've heard stories from other cat owners saying the same thing. If I get a canteloupe, Oreo knows as soon as I enter the house with it. The other cats swarm around just because they think there must be something good there...but in the end, Oreo is the ony one who remains.
Strange cat!