Spacerock is 25!!!
December 13, 2021
Hard to believe that this website has been around for 25 years - same domain registrant - same developer - and this developer is still a developer! This site started out to be a flagship for my 'desktop publishing' bizz offshoot - something I called Shooting Star as a working name until I thought of something more original. Along came the web and domain registration was within reach. Back then, I was doing some side work for a guy who had ties to a real estate company, and I was posting listings to a postgres database 'the hard way' before WYSIWG editors for databases become widely available (long before I wroet my own). He offered, as my 'pay', to host a website for me and took care of registering my domain. was taken, and I figured a shooting star was a meteor, a rock from space - hence the name spacerock. So, December 13, 1996, was born.
The site became my playground, really. I was learning the ins and outs of HTML and graphic design for the web. It has undergone so many changes as the web evolved - and contniues to. What started as an avenue for my business just became my playground - my sandbox. I developed other sites to work my website development company which I ran for years. It supported my ex husband and I for a few years before we split, but sort of went by the wayside as social media evolved and not everyone wants their own website anymore; the purpose has changed. I still entertain the idea of doing side jobs for people who would like that - I work for a municipality now and it's a great place for me to be. I even get to teach.
This website gathered a lot of cobwebs in recent years, but I started reworking it last summer (2021) and bringing it back into focus. The language that runs it had changed - a lot - and I wasn't willing to take on the new features. I was going to watch this website die a slow, painful death and then something inside said, "No, don't do that." It wasn't that difficult to get up to speed and I understand why the language changed and became more robust. It wasn't a stretch to convert things over.
The site clearly is still a work in progress; there are parts that don't work so well on mobile devices, and I am taking them one at a time. I have a tablet I am making notes on from everything to how I program pages to global variables I am using as a reference - it's about 40 pages at this writing. (It's a cool thing called a reMarkable tablet and I just love it. It's been life changing!) There's something about hand writing programming notes that makes it "stick" better in my head.
What's in Spacerock's future?
I don't have a crystal ball, so I don't know. All I can say is that I have some development plans for it like:
- A mailing list
- Streaming Recommendations and News
- Recipe Club (started it before and never panned out)
The domain name itself has been a subject of - not contoversy, but chargrin - to some audiences over the years. For a while, there was a site about meteors called and I had a link on my home page that said "For meteor site click here" (the entire sentance was a link, not just click here - which is a huge pet peeve of mine - for good reasons too....). Also, there is a genre of music called space rock and a few pissed off folks had sent me some not so kind emails about that.
As recentely as about 5 years ago, a firm was offering to buy the domain from me for about $3k. I said that was fine but it never panned out. I'm not married to the domain name; it's not like I have a huge OR ANY following; my last name isn't Drudge...this is just my little website where I 'do stuff on the web' and experiment with my own skills. Maybe more read it than I think; I haven't run any reports lately, and perhaps it might scare me if I did. The jury is out on that.
As we head into another year - 2022 - I'll continue to play with this site. It's gotten more updates lately than it has in years - mostly due to my making the CMS that runs it something I can do right from my phone. I may be old but I participate in life on my phone like your average site is a little older than a millineal...
I hope you have enjoyed this piece; you are probably the only person who has read it. I hope to be writing another one of these in another 25 years!