My 100th workout at Curves
May 3, 2013
I know I've ranted a few times about Curves here on my little blue corner of Cyberspace...but I do enjoy working out there, and today was my 100th workout.
I Finally got to wear my 100 Workouts shirt
I joined Curves last year - around June or so. You'd think I would have hit 100 a while back, but injury kept me from going consistently for a while. Now that I'm on my mission to better health as a life long committment, I am going to Curves 3x a week, and today as part of my 100th workout, I rode my bicycle there (yes, the one I have to pedal). It's only 1.6 miles so no big deal to get there, but I hadn't ridden the bike regularly for many years.
This in addition to my committment to eating healthy (I'm currently on Weight Watchers) and increased activity - I do Curves and swim several times a week - it's making a much healthier me. The side effect will be a much slimmer me but that will take time...(I'm down 12.6 pounds at this writing, sort of on a plateau). I won't give up!!!
There is a lady who works out at Curves who has a 1000 workouts shirt. Wow...something to aspire to!