Fleeces, Food & Fun

June 4, 2012

This was the 15th annual event - held at Retzlaff Vineyards and it is amazing to see how many people showed up to do this lost art of spinning.

A little wine & spinning
A little wine & spinning

This was the 15th annual event - held at Retzlaff Vineyards and it is amazing to see how many people showed up to do this lost art of spinning.

I last attended this event in 2009 before I had my own wheel.  This year I dusted off the wheel, grabbed my spare drive bands, fleece and oil and headed out.  After a couple of glasses of wine, I was getting the hang of it again and making stuff that didn't resemble barbed wire.  It was a lot of fun and I'm going to see if they have other events - it's a spinning guild that puts it on (yes, really).

Yes, it's a drink holder made for a wheel...really...