Come back, TV Writers!

November 10, 2007

Argh!  Just as the 2007 TV season got underway, the TV writers have gone on strike.  I don't blame them for wanting some of the royalties from DVD sales and such.  I say PAY EM THEY DESERVE IT and "we want you guys back!"  
A shot from one of my favorite shows, <i>Moonlight</i>.
A shot from one of my favorite shows, Moonlight.
I was really getting into the new CBS show, Moonlight, which is a great new show about a guy, Mick St. John, who is a private detective who happens to be a vampire.  (He's real easy on the eyes too.)  He doesn't like to be a vampire; he was 'turned' against his will by his ex wife.  His co-star, Beth, is slowly but surely falling for him, but there are bad things lurking in the wings, such as Mick's ex wife who is supposedly dead - but is she?

We may not know for a long time because just as things are getting deep, the new episodes are numbered...

This, too for another favorite - Desperate Housewives.  Things are getting thick there also, will Edie get bumped off or will Carlos?  It's a see saw...what is to happen to Brie and Orson's new baby that is really Brie's grandson? 

ARGH.   That's all I have to say.  Maybe this should have been in my rant column?