Head out on the Highway!

June 4, 2007

I was heading out on a chapter ride with my mom's Bill right behind me - we were heading to our Chapter Picnic in Pleasanton.  Did I mention the route was Pleasanton by way of Tracy? If you are needing directions to get somewhere quick, never ask a biker!

It was warm for a change - this Spring has been downright chilly.  Our group headed out through Niles, then Livermore, and out on Tesla Road which eventually became Coral Hollow.  I dumped my bike there 2 years ago after being spooked by its terrible, steep, downhill twisties.  Yep, spooked me again.  I thought I might get sick, and then switchbacks.  Ugh.  I went slow but kept on going.  The road straightened out again but then I was being slammed with this incredibly gusty 'delta wind.'

The good news is that it gave me good experience riding in wind and facing my fear on those twisties.  I need more practice!  Sure I've done nearly 13,000 miles, but most of them have been straight. 

Chapter picnic was fun; Bill and I made an effort to participate in a slow ride game but came very very close to dumping the bike.  Not good....he's not used to having a passenger and I'm not used to being one(!)

I did much better at the Slow Races but lost it against "Chili George" who somehow managed to balance a Road King better than this former figure skater could balance her little Sportster.  Oh well it was all in fun!