The Biggest and the Smallest

October 5, 2001

tThor woke up one afternoon to find that Mjollnir (Joey) had made himself comfy. Thor is not very tolerant of the younger cats; he prefers to hang out with Noelle most of the time. He and Noelle are the king and queen of the cat family; Thor going on 9 years old and Noelle just turned 5.

What the heck is Mjollnir?
In Norse mythology, Thor (the God of thunder) had a hammer that he made the thunder with. He called his hammer Mjollnir. Since we have a cat named Thor, George came up with Mjollnir as the name for the little one. We belive the pronounciation is "Mee-all near" but we aren't sure. We call him "Joey" but most of the time George calls him "the little Tiny."

We've decided that black cats are the quietest of the colors. Our other black cat, Noelle, and Joey hardly ever make any sound (except for purring) while Kimba (calico) and Thor are very vocal!