Going into Christmas

December 19, 2023

Hard to believe it's already Christmas within a week...I still have little notes from last Christmas Day on my refrigerator so I wouldn't forget certain things - cinnamon pears...rolls...seems like it was just a couple of months ago, but no.  It was almost a year ago!

If that's the case, I ought to clean off the stuff that's all over the front of my refrigerator!  Early this year, I went all out and cleaned out my home.  It's a bit of a mess again but not like before.  With the property management gestapo coming next month, I have to get it ready again, but it won't be so hard. 

When I was out on medical, I was immobile for 3 months.  I not only gained a bunch of weight, but my house got ahead of me.  Sigh.  I don't really go for making new years resolutions - but I need to tighten up the house cleaning AND my body in general!

This could be the last Christmas with mom.  At 95, she isn't very mobile as far as getting in a car and being driven somewhere, so we're doing Christmas with mom on a different day.  Lots to do in the next few days coming up, but I'll get it done.  Hope to post something before the New Year - can't ride right now as it's raining - but I managed to put 300 miles on "Mjolnir" since I got him!!!

Feliz Navidad!